The actors’ association general secretary Siddique and Kerala State Chalachitra Academy chairman Ranjith resigned from their positions the day before due to allegations of sexual misconduct. On Monday, actor Minu Muneer claimed she had experienced sexual misconduct from a number of actors, including a former CPI(M) legislator in the Kerala Assembly.
Actors Mukesh, Jayasurya, Maniyanpilla Raju, and Edavela Babu, a well-known figurehead of the Association of Malayalam Movie Artistes (AMMA), were mentioned by Muneer in a media statement. Raju stated he is in favor of an investigation into Muneer’s claims, while Mukesh, Jayasurya, and Babu remained silent.
“I will lodge a grievance with the state police unit, tasked with investigating the disclosures made following the publication of the Hema Committee report,” Muneer told the media.
She claimed that during the filming of Calender (2009) and Nadakame Ulakam (2011), an actor attempted to assault her in a hotel.
“He came in the room, pulled me onto the bed, and told me I would have to think about who needed to be thought of in order to have better opportunities. I left that place later. Before that, (another actor) promised to visit my room the following night when we were traveling by car. She said, “He had also knocked at my door during the night.”
In 2008, she also charged misbehavior against a third actor.
“I was coming from the bathroom during a shooting in the state capital when (this actor) caught me from behind and planted a kiss on me.” I shoved him aside and took off. He also asked me to his apartment. He had no problems after I turned down the invitation, she asserted.
Minu further asserted that she had submitted an application to join the AMMA in 2013. An actor who has appeared in three motion pictures can become an AMMA member. He invited me to his apartment when I called him to ask questions about filling out the application. He planted a kiss on the back of my neck as I was filling out the application at his apartment. I bolted from the apartment. “I also did not receive the membership,” she asserted.
The actor claimed that as a result of her “experiences,” she was compelled to relocate to Chennai and quit the Malayalam film industry.
She declared, “I am now seeking justice and accountability for the trauma and suffering I had experienced.”