Bob Newhart, the star of “Elf” and “Bob Newhart Show,” passed away at the age of 94. In the television series “The Big Bang Theory,” he also portrayed Professor Proton.
Bob Newhart, the legendary American stand-up comedian, passed away today, July 19, at the age of 94, according to his publicist.
Notable for his parts in “Elf” and “The Big Bang Theory,” in addition to being the host of the cherished “The Bob Newhart Show,” Newhart’s career lasted for several decades and left a lasting impression on the comedy and television industries.
In the late 1950s, Newhart started out as a stand-up comedian and soon became well-known for his distinctive deadpan delivery. His position as an industry pioneer was cemented by the multiple prizes and accolades he received for his humorous talents.
Fans and other comedians have paid tribute to Newhart, highlighting his legacy and important contributions to comedy, with messages pouring in.